Almond Bud Day Nursery

Nurture, grow, achieve


It is our intention to make our nursery genuinely accessible to children and families from all sections of the community. 

In order to accomplish this we will: 

⦁ Maintain our waiting list taking age and availability into consideration.
⦁ Make our equal opportunities widely known.
⦁ Try to accommodate the children’s family’s needs whenever possible.

Settling-in Policy

At Almond Bud, we want children to feel safe and happy in the absence of their parents, to recognise other adults as a people they can trust and have confidence in, people who would help them and who would build a relationship with their parents. We want the children in our care to be able to share their new learning experiences they enjoyed in nursery with their parents.

In order to accomplish this, we will:

⦁ Encourage the parents to take up the offer of settling in visits in the lead up to their start date.
⦁ Make clear to families from the outset that they will be supported for as long as it takes to settle their child.
⦁ Reassure parents whose child seems to be taking a long time to settle into the nursery by offering support and advice.
⦁ Encourage parents, where appropriate, to separate from their children for brief periods at first and gradually build on this.
⦁ Staff will be honest about how their children have been during settling-in visits.
⦁ Children cannot play or learn successfully if they are anxious or unhappy.

Our settling procedures aim to help parents to help their children to feel comfortable in the nursery, to benefit from what is on offer and be confident that parents will return at the end of the session. 

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